Intellects Linkup has a high respect for its stakeholders and the frequent visitors. Every stakeholder from our segmented group who register on a web portal like Student, Academician, Institute, Company, Corporate Leader their data is stored and utilized by our website. Every stakeholder is advised to read the website Research Declaration.
- We are E Educational Research consulting services to assist research idea for research content, for industry for preparing a detail project reports of company and academics for reference purpose only. We fully understand and respect the concern competent national and international authorities’ regulations regarding synchronization and technical support to the aspirants and in particular their concern for preventing academic and research dishonesty.
- At the same time we are concern for academic research and there is a need for providing right orientation to the research aspirant so that he or she can undertake the mammoth task of carrying an independent research. No doubt, there are things like course work, seminars, conferences, etc., to help the researcher learn the research methodology and techniques, but they have their own limitations and every research person OR company has different requirements, so he/she always need individual coaching to understand individual work. When we talk about academic support is just like there are 8 hours of schools and colleges, yet students in millions of numbers do attend coaching classes for getting personnel assistance for better understanding and individual development to stand confidently in this competitive era.
We clearly understand the difference between writing any research and assisting to enhance writing for any reference work. In case of academic thousands of these are freely available for reference on websites like Shodhganga.
We develop the reference content on the basis of hypothetical data generated randomly using computer programs like MS Excel. Our aim is to provide the stakeholder a good reference base so as to enhance his or her conceptual clarity. This is just like a coaching class developing its study material or question bank consisting of hypothetical examples based on the actual exam paper. Here the aim is to provide the stakeholder learning experience similar to what is expected in reality.
The research aspirant/project developer understands fully and appreciates the need for staying original in thoughts which is at the core of any research, detail project report etc. Originality of thoughts can be compromised when someone else’s content is reproduced as an original like as a thesis/dissertation by the researcher in case of academic. Originality of thoughts is not compromised when a material or a reference thesis/desperation is referred just like any other thing including guidance from the subject Supervisor, friends, colleagues etc. Originality of thoughts is enhanced and facilitated when a good reference base is available. - We are in E Educational and consulting services and following all the rules and regulations of Govt of India. Accordingly, monetary consideration in any form officially paid with a record does not adversely affect the help sought by the stakeholder. Any research company, academic institute, Universities, take official fees on a number of counts from the researcher but with a due receipt for the same. In the similar manner we as services provider are charging the stakeholder for the reference research work and the payments are fully legally recorded by way of bank transactions. In fact, we have a strict policy of not accepting any payment in cash as it can lead to undisclosed income.